On the Emfirst page of our Cstory The Gfuture seemed so Dbright
Then this Emthing turned out so Cevil I don’t Gknow why I’m still surDprised
Even Emangels have their Cwicked schemes And Gyou take that to Dnew extremes
But you’ll Emalways be my Chero Even though Gyou’ve lost your Dmind
Just gonna Emstand there and watch me Cburn
But that’s all Gright because I like the way it Dhurts
Just gonna Emstand there and hear me Ccry
But that’s all Gright because I love the way you Dlie
I love the way you Emlie COh, I love the way you GlieD
Now there’s Emgravel in our Cvoices Glass is Gshattered from the Dfight
In this Emtug of war you’ll Calways win EGven when I’m Dright
‘Cause you Emfeed me fables Cfrom your hand With Gviolent words and Dempty threats
And it’s Emsick that all these Cbattles Are what Gkeeps me satisDfied
So Emmaybe I’m a Cmasochist I Gtry to run but I Ddon’t wanna ever leave
Em‘Til the walls are Cgoin’ up In Gsmoke with all our Dmemories